USD99.00 Free Shipping
Our USD99.00 Free Shipping promo varies for different countries/zones we serve. In general, we have split our promos into 3 different categories below. Feel free to talk to us if you're having issues, or have any enquiries.
refers to the scenario where your purchase does not include any of the large items, and if you're within the country listed in the list below, then you're eligible for free shipping when you have purchased more than USD99.00 in a single order. See the list of large items here.
Countries/Zone |
US (Except Zone 9) |
United Kingdom |
Slovakia |
Sweden |
Romania |
Portugal |
Poland |
Netherlands |
Luxembourg |
Italy |
Ireland |
Croatia |
France |
Finland |
Spain |
Estonia |
Denmark |
Germany |
Czechia |
Belgium |
Austria |
Switzerland |
Vietnam |
Thailand |
Malaysia |
Singapore |
South Korea |
Japan |
refers to the scenario when your purchases include any of the large items, and you're within the countries listed below. Then free shipping applies when you have purchased more than USD120.00 in a single order. See the list of large items here.
Countries/Zone |
United States (Except Zone 9) |
United Kingdom |
Netherlands |
Luxembourg |
Ireland |
France |
Czechia |
Belgium |
Austria |
refers to countries/zones we are unable to provide free shipping regardless of the scenario. Talk to us via Live Chat to understand more.
Countries/Zone |
United States Zone 9: Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Armed Forces America, Armed Forces Europe, Armed Forces Pacific. |
Australia |
Serbia |
Norway |